Fabrication and study of superconducting nanorods
Salutation: Missak Swarup Raju Padala
Organization Name:
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Impact of submirine ground water discharge (SDG) on composition of coastal phytoplankton along East Coast of India
Salutation: Siva Kiran Kumar B
Organization Name:
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Characterization of the sensitizers of TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) induced apoptotic pathway identified by an RNAi screen apporoach and to elucidate their role as chemotherapeutic agents in Breast Cancer cells
Salutation: V Sireesha Garimella
Organization Name:
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Effect of bismuth excess and Iron deficiency on the multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 ceramics
Salutation: Prasun Banerjee
Organization Name:
UGC - University Grants Commission
MHD instability in curve microchannel flow
Salutation: Motahar Reza
Organization Name:
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
The Role of Digital India in Grassroot Governance: An Exploratory Study in Rural Telangana
Salutation: Gurram Ashok
Organization Name:
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
The field demonstration in India of spiral type small wind turbine for the new southern policy countries
Salutation: Kuderu Rajagopal
Organization Name:
Esco RTS Co. Ltd, Korea
Process optimisation studies of heavy metals biosorption in continuous flow packed - bed bioreactor using marine yeast bio-mass of yerrowia lipolytica
Salutation: Sarat Babu Imandi
Organization Name:
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Responses of mangrove plant species of Visakhapatnam to toxic effluents
Salutation: Ramakrishna Chintala
Organization Name:
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Performance Appraisal of Mutual Funds: A Comparitive Study of Public and Private Sector Mutual Funds
Salutation: G. V. Satyasekhar
Organization Name:
UGC - University Grants Commission
Argyreia nervosa: Conservation, isolation and characterization of immonomodulatory compounds
Salutation: T. Srinivasan
Organization Name:
UGC - University Grants Commission
Normal and Medium Strength Concrete With100 Percent Recycled Coarse Aggregate for financial assistance
Salutation: Malasani Potharaju
Organization Name:
UGC - University Grants Commission