Evaluation Norms
Primary responsibilities of the Student Evaluation Division are the conduct of the examinations and evaluation of their performance through continuous internal assessment and term-end examinations. Read in detail about GITAM (Deemed to be University)’s evaluation guidelines.
• Assessment
• Attendance requirements
• Eligibility for award of degree

- The assessment of the performance of the students’ in a theory programme shall be based on two components: (i) continuous evaluation and (ii) semester-end examination.
- A student has to secure a required percentage in theory component of the programme and an aggregate percentage required (as per the concerned programme regulations) together in the above two components, to be declared to have passed the programme.
- Practical / Project Work / Industrial Training / Viva voce / Seminar etc. programme are completely assessed under continuous evaluation (as per the concerned programme regulations) and a student has to obtain required percentage to secure pass grade.
Attendance requirements
- A student, whose attendance is less than the required prescribed in the regulations, will not be permitted to attend the end - semester examination and he / she will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters of study. Such student has to repeat the semester along with the juniors.
- However, the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the Principal / Director / Dean of the Institute / School may condone the shortage of attendance to the students on genuine medical grounds.
Eligibility for award of degree
- Duration of the programme : A student has to normally complete the programme of study within the stipulated time period, with an additional grace period of two years.
- However, the Vice Chancellor at his discretion can relax the above regulation in individual cases for cogent and sufficient reasons.
- A student shall be eligible for award of a degree subject to fulfilling the following conditions.
Registered and successfully completed all the programmes and projects.
Successfully acquired the required credits as specified in the regulations within the stipulated period of study.
Has no dues to the Institute/School, hostels, Libraries, NCC / NSS etc, and
No disciplinary action is pending against him / her.
The degree shall be awarded after approval by the Academic Council.