Kandi Suneetha

Associate Professor, Applied psychology, GSHS, VSP

skandi@gitam.edu | | | |

Dr Suneetha has a Ph.D. and a Post doctorate from Andhra University. Her research interests include Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Spiritual Psychology, Yoga & Meditation. Dr. Kandi is the recipient of the PARE Award, APA, USA; UGC JRF & SRF; AU Gold Medal and completed projects sanctioned by ICSSR, DSIR, IPI, APA. She is a Certified Solution Focused Brief Therapist. Her book, Counselling Needs of College Students has been translated into French, German, Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese.

Research Publications
  • Kandi, S., & Kunasetti, R. K. (2023). Technology-Based Gratitude Interventions for Enhancing Mental Health and Well-Being in The Community. National Journal of Community Medicine, 14(09), 603–609. https://doi.org/10.55489/njcm.140920233266 Scopus
  • Kandi, S. (2023). “COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences.” Families, Systems, & Health, 41(1), pg: 126. DOI: 10.1037/fsh0000766 (SCOPUS Indexed)
  • Suneetha, Kandi. (2014). Meditative replay of troubling life events and transformation in practitioners of yoga and meditation: a pilot study. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 5(2), 172-178. WOS
  • Suneetha, K. (2013). The impact of Stressful conditions and prevalence of Depression and Suicides in Adolescents. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 4, 212-215 - Scopus
  • Suneetha, K., Srikrishna, Ch & (2021). Management and Exploration of Physical & Mental Health Changes in Practitioners of Spirituality. ITJEMAT, 12 (6).
Ongoing Research Projects
  • Project Coordinator & Project Director. ICSSR Project (15 Lakhs). Assessment of the Reach and Socio-economic Impact of the National Education Policy (2020) on Children with Special Needs: A Case Study of Coastal Andhra, North Andhra and Rayalaseema, ICSSR.
Authored Books
  • Kandi, S (2020). Counselling Needs of College Students. Lambert Academic Publishing
  • Kandi, S (2022). Adolescent Issues & Remedial Measures, Blue rose publications
  • Kandi, S (2022). Esigenze di consulenza degli studenti universitari. Edizioni Sapienza
  • Kandi, S (2022). Les besoins des étudiants en matière de conseil. Editions Notre Savoir
  • Kandi, S (2022). Beratungsbedürfnisse von College-Studenten. Verlag Unser Wissen
  • Person transformation research, Applied Psychological research, SFBT, Interdisciplinary research - Cognitive Science, Yoga
Kandi Suneetha