V.Naveen Kumar

V.Naveen Kumar

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

GITAM School of Technology



Ph. D.

Masters from NIT Calicut (Materials Science) PhD from Osmania University in composite development with DRDO resources collaboration. Reseach Areas: Polymer composites, Metal Matrix composites, Material characterization , Digital Manufacturing, Machine design, and Robotics

Research Publications

  • Votarikari Naveen Kumar., Kishore Nath, N., & Ramesh Babu, P. (2020). Effect of reinforcement and fabrication of Al6061 nanosilica composite prepared using single- and two-step methods. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 8(1), 478–497. https://doi.org/10.1080/2374068X.2020.1815139
  • Votarikari Naveen Kumar, Effect of Surfactant on Swelling Behavior and Mechanical Characterization of NBR-Nano-Silica Nanocomposites. Silicon 14, 1865–1871 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-021-00975-y
  • Votarikari, N.K., Kishore Nath, N. & Ramesh Babu, P. Evaluating and Optimising Tribological Parameters of Enhanced Two-Step Stir Cast Al6061/Nano-SiO2 Composite Using Machine Learning Techniques. J Bio Tribo Corros 10, 66 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40735-024-00873-x
  • Naveen Kumar Votarikari, S.K. Gugulothu, Influence of nanofluid in thermal and mechanical properties of NR alumina polymer nanocomposites, Composites Part C: Open Access, Volume 4, 2021, 100094, ISSN 2666-6820, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomc.2020.100094.
  • Surya, M.S., Kumar, V.N. & Sridhar, A. To Study the Effect of Varying Sintering Temperature and Reinforcement on Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of AA6061/SiC Composites. Silicon 15, 3003–3009 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-022-02233-1


  • Check Icon Composite Materials, Elastomers, Design of machine elements, Robotics AI and metallurgy
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