Tapasya Kumari is from Sambalpur, Odisha. She has a Ph.D from Tezpur University, Assam. Her research area includes Functional Foods, Dietary Fiber, Prebiotic Potential, Extraction and Modification of Bioactive Compounds.
Research Publications
Effect of enzymatic modified pea peel dietary fibre on syneresis, texture, rheology and microstructural properties of yogurt.
Impact of extraction methods on functional properties and extraction kinetic of insoluble dietary fiber from green pea peels: A comparative analysis.
Effect of extrusion and enzyme modification on functional and structural properties of pea peel (Pisum sativum L.) insoluble dietary fibre and its effect on yogurt rheology.
Potential health benefits of garden pea seeds and pods: A review.
Studies on the cytotoxicity of leaf protein concentrate from Diplazium esculentum, pasta preparation and assessment of its quality during storage.