Tapas Bantha

Tapas Bantha

Assistant Professor

Department of Organisational Development & Human Resource

GITAM School of Business



Ph. D.

Tapas is a student-centred Professor with over 15 years of prodigious experience in the academics and development sector. Passionate for learning, teaching and research. Taught 4000+ students in subjects like Human Values and Ethics at UG/PG level and worked with 20000+ marginalized community people in the area of capacity building, skill building, and self-governance at the remotest parts of South India with national/international funding partners, i.e., NABARD, Welthungerhilfe (WHH), BFTW.

Research Publications

  • Bantha, T., Nayak, U., & Mishra, S. K. (2023). Engaging the disengaged: the role of workplace spirituality on millennials’ work engagement. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
  • Bantha, T., & Nayak, U. (2021). The relation of workplace spirituality with employee creativity among Indian software professionals: Mediating role of psychological empowerment. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 12(3), 427-443.
  • Bantha, T., & Sahni, S. P. (2021). The relation of servant leadership with followers' organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB): mediating role of generalized self-efficacy (GSE) and organization–based self-esteem (OBSE). Industrial and Commercial Training, 53(4), 331-342.
  • Bantha, T., & Nayak, U. (2020). The relation of workplace spirituality with employees’ innovative work behaviour: the mediating role of psychological empowerment. Journal of Indian Business Research, 13(2), 223-235.
  • Bantha, T., Panda, T. K., & Sahni, S. P. (2021). Growing from the inside out: An exploratory investigation Into the construct–spirituality. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 14(4), 8-21.


  • Check Icon Teaching: Human Values and Ethics, Indian Ethos, Business Ethics, Organizational Behavior, Design Thinking, Organizational Development, Leadership and Business Law
  • Check Icon Research: Workplace Spirituality, Leadership, Human Behavior, Positive Psychology and I/O Psychology
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