Srirupa Bhattacharya

Srirupa Bhattacharya

Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology

GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences



Ph. D.

Srirupa Bhattacharya has a B.A. (Hons.) and an M.A. in Sociology from Presidency College, Calcutta University. She has completed her M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University. She was an ICSSR Doctoral Fellow (2013-15) and an Asian Studies Postdoctoral Fellow at Leiden University, Netherlands (2021-22). Her research interests include the interfaces between popular Hinduism, market, media and politics in India since liberalisation.

Research Publications

  • Forthcoming (in press) Tiwale, Sachin and Srirupa Bhattacharya. “Riding on River Rejuvenation: Art of Living and the Stakeholders of Development in Karnataka and Maharashtra.” River Rejuvenation and River Rights: Evolving Debates in India. Philippe Cullet and Ruchi Shree (eds.) New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.
  • 2023. Bhattacharya, Srirupa. “Doing Seeing: Televised Yoga, Consumption and Religious Nationalism in Neo-liberal India.” Gurus and Media: Sound, Image, Machine, Text and the Digital. Jacob Copeman and ArkotongLongkumer (eds.). London: UCL Press.
  • 2019. Bhattacharya, Srirupa. “Gurus, Groundwater, Governmentality: Seva in the liberalised era in India.” Economic and Political Weekly 54(32). Bombay: Sameeksha Trust. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  • 2015. ‘Spectres and Shadows of Seva: The Politics of Spiritual Service and Development Efforts in the context of Liberalisation’, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (12), Calcutta: Scottish Church College. Title of the issue: The Question of Development
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