Kintali Manohar

Kintali Manohar

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering

GITAM School of Technology



M. Tech.

Kintali Manohar is from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. He submitted his Ph.D on August 12, 2024, at GITAM, Deemed to be University, He Obtained M.Tech and B.Tech from JNTU Hyderabad, as well as a PG Diploma in Embedded Systems from the University of Hyderabad. His research interests include Power system protection, Electromagnetic Ejection systems, Internet of Things, IOT Security.

Research Publications

  • Manohar, K., & Srichandan, K. (2023). Analysis of Quadrupole Magnetic Field Reluctance-Based Launcher With Different Coil Switching Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 51(5), 1370-1376, -SCI – Journal
  • Manohar, K., & Srichandan, K. (2024). A Comprehensive Design and Simulation of Quadrupole Electromagnetic Linear Systems For Precise Positioning In Aerospace. Journal on Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences, 19(16), 61-79. Scopus Journal
  • Manohar, K., & Srichandan, K. (2023). Quadrupole Electromagnetic Linear Positioning System (QELPS): Optimal Design, Modelling and Analysis for Linear Motion Application. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 1245-1253., Google Indexed Journal
  • Manohar, K., & Srichandan, K. A Systematic Approach to Quadrupole Electromagnetic Ejection Device (QEED): IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics - SCI Journal (Under Review)
  • Manohar, K., & Srichandan, K. (2021, November). Design optimization of quad-pole electromagnetic ejection device using particle swarm optimization. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT) (pp. 52-56). IEEE., doi 10.1109/ICISSGT52025.2021.00022.- - Scopus IEEE Conference
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