Satvik Gupta

Satvik Gupta

Assistant Professor

Department of English and Other Languages

GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences



Ph. D.

Dr. Satvik Gupta is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at GITAM University, Hyderabad. He holds a PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar. His research focuses on the Lovecraftian aesthetics of cosmic horror fiction. Specifically, he investigates the essence of existential horror latent in non-human confrontations such as cosmic horror and weird fiction. He is also interested in exploring the intersection of literature and architecture across supernatural narratives.

Research Publications

  • Ray, Dibyakusum and Satvik Gupta. Dark Epiphany: the Lovecraftian in the Twentieth Century Existential Literature. Horror Studies (Forthcoming Spring 2025).
  • Gupta, Satvik, and Dibyakusum Ray. Miles of the Rustling Secret Corn: Nature, Cosmic and Autonomy in American Cosmic Horror Literature. Textual Practice, 38.12 (2024): 1858-1875.


  • Check Icon American Horror and Weird Fiction
  • Check Icon Existentialism and Absurdism
  • Check Icon Speculative Fiction
  • Check Icon World Literature
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