Dr. Sarojini Jajimoggala is a distinguished academician and researcher with extensive experience in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. With a strong foundation in both research and teaching, she has been a dedicated faculty member at GITAM University since 2002. She holds a Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering. Completed a major research project sponsored by DST. She has authored more than 15+ international journal papers. Also published 1 book & 2 book chapters.
Research Publications
Supplier evaluation using hybrid multiple criteria decision-making approach
Decision making model for material selection using a hybrid MCDM technique
Multi-response optimization of hot extrusion process parameters using FEM and Grey relation based Taguchi method
Alternative fuel production from waste plastics and their usability in light duty diesel engine: Combustion, energy, and environmental analysis
Spare parts criticality evaluation using hybrid multiple criteria decision making technique
Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Hybrid MCDM Techniques
Extrusion Process Parameters Optimization
Metal Matrix Composites
Dissimilar Metal Welding
Authored Books
Electrical and Mechanical Technology S. Chand, 9789352535088
Decision Making Theories and Practices from Analysis to Strategy [A Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making Technique for Prioritizing Equipments] IGI Global, 9781466624733 2012, , Page No : 256-275
Management Theories and Strategic Practices for Decision Making [Maintenance Strategy Evaluation Using ANP and Goal Programming] IGI Global, 9781466615892 2013, , Page No : 117-138
Supplier Evaluation Using FANP and FTOPSIS Lambert, 9783659233487
EFFECT OF SiC, FLY ASH IN AA6061 MMC (Rolling Behaviour under Heat Treatment) Lambert, 978-620-5-50164-1