Ravindra Babu Veguri

Ravindra Babu Veguri

Associate Professor

Department of Fine and Performing Arts

GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences



Ph. D.

Dr. Ravindra Babu Veguri is an academician and a professional artist with an MFA in painting from Jamia Millia Islamia University and a PhD in visual arts from Andhra University. He has participated in several national and international art exhibitions and residency programs. His works of art were published in IFJ magazine, Architect and Interiors, and Indian art journals. He is privileged to have appreciation notes by Indian critics in various art journals.

Research Publications

  • Dr Ravindra Babu Veguri, “Women and Art” IJMER, Volume 4 Issue 1(2) January 2015 - ISSN:2277-7881 - I.F: 2.735
  • Dr Ravindra Babu Veguri, “Non-verbal communicability and artistic appreciation of Stone Age art” IJAR, Vol.2, Issue-4(1), December, 2015, Impact Factor: 1.855 ISSN: 2348-7666.
  • Dr Ravindra Babu Veguri, “Perpetuation of Beliefs: Installation of Boddurai”, IJMER,Volume 3, Issue 10(2), October 2014, Volume 3, Issue 10(2), October 2014, ISSN:2277-7881 - I.F: 2.73.
  • Dr Ravindra Babu Veguri, “The King’s Craft and the Book of Wars Analyzing the text with a painting of 1598-99 Razmnama Set”, IJMER, Volume: 9, Issue: 2(1), February 2020, ISSN:2277-7881.
  • Dr Ravindra Babu Veguri, A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media Advertising and their Purchase Intentions, Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 10(2),Dec 2023,1213-1220.


  • Check Icon Visual arts, New Medium & Contemporary Art, and Rock art studies
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