Rajesh Kumar Srivastava

Rajesh Kumar Srivastava

Assistant Professor

Department of Biotechnology

GITAM School of Technology



Ph. D. and PDF

I am Dr. Rajesh Kumar Srivastava and current working in Department of Biotechnology, GST, GITAM, Visakhapatnam. I am from Gonda, U.P.,. My studies M. Tech and Ph.D) were done from IIT BHU and IIT Bombay respectively. And I have been post doctorate fellow from University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. I joined this university in June 2010 as an assistant professor. I completed two MRP -UGC projects with publishing of 51 international journal/ 33 national journal paper with 2 books and 33 chapters

Research Publications

  • Megacell phenotype and its relation to metabolic alterations in trans-ketolase deficient strain of Bacillus pumilus. Srivastava RK, Jaiswal R, Panda D, Wangikar PP. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (2009), 102(5): 1387-1397
  • Biofuels, biodiesel and biohydrogen production using bioprocesses. A review. R.K., Srivastava, N.P., Shetti, K.R. Reddy, Tejraj M. Aminabhavi; Environ Chem Lett (2020). 18, 1049–1072 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10311-020-00999-7
  • Biomass utilization and production of biofuels from carbon neutral materials. R.K. Srivastava; N.P. Shetti, K.R. Reddy,, EE. Kwon, M.N. Nadagouda, T.M. Aminabhavi, Environmental Pollution 276 (2021) 116731;; https://doi.org /10.1016/j.envpol .2021.116731
  • Microbial fuel cells: Technologically advanced devices and approach for sustainable/renewable energy development; Rajesh K. Srivastava,, R Boddula, R Pothu, Energy Conversion and Management: X 13 (2022) 100160; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecmx.2021.100160
  • Sustainable utilization of pineapple wastes for production of bioenergy, biochemicals and value-added products: A review; P.K. Sarangi , T.A. Singh, N. J. Singh , K.P. Shadangi , R. K. Srivastava , A.K Singh ,A.K. Chandel , N. Pareek, V. Vivekanand, Bioresource Technology, 2022; 351: 127085. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech .2022.127085

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Check Icon Completed project: Production of 1-butanol from lignocellulosic or sugar cane waste materials by using metabolically engineered strain of Escherichia coli’. Sanctioned by UGC in year– Nov- 2015, amount Rs.6, 00, 000, as a PI with Dr. N. Akhtar (Co-PI) and completed in June, 2018.


  • Check Icon Microbiologist and microbial fermentation expertise, Biochemical engineers

Authored Books

  • Check Icon Food Processing, Quality Analysis And Quality Assurance” authors: Rajesh K. Srivastava, 2018, ISBN:978-81-8329-921-3 , page: 1-186, Shree publishers and Distributor, 22/4435, Prakash Deep Building, Ansari Road, Dariyaganj, New Delhi-110002
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