Pradeep Vinaik Kodavanti

Pradeep Vinaik Kodavanti

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering

GITAM School of Technology



Ph. D.

Dr. Pradeep Vinaik Kodavanti is an academician and researcher, currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of EECE at GITAM (Deemed to be University). With a Ph.D. in Antennas, Dr. Kodavanti has established a strong reputation in both teaching and research, contributing significantly to the academic community and beyond. In addition to teaching and research, he is deeply committed to mentoring students at various stages of their academic careers.

Research Publications

  • Design and analysis of super wide band antenna and its notch band characteristics, Kodavanti, P.V. , Jayasree, P.V.Y. , Bhima, P.R. Soft Computing, 2022, 26(9), pp. 4275-4287.
  • Multi-input multi-output antenna measurements with super wide bandwidth for wireless applications using isolated T stub and defected ground structure, Kodavanti, P.V. , Jayasree, P.V.Y. , Bhima, P.R. Acta IMEKO, 2022, 11(1).
  • Design and Development of Super Wideband Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Next-Generation Telecommunications, Kodavanti, P.V. , Jayasree, P.V.Y. , Bhima, P.R. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika), 2023, 82(1), pp. 53-64.
  • Compact monopole for eco friendly super wide band antenna, Kodavanti, P.V. , Jayasree, P.V.Y. , Rao, B.P. Journal of Green Engineering, 2020, 10(12), pp. 12729-12736.
  • Super wide band circular shaped antenna with a slit on the trapezoidal ground plane, Kodavanti, P.V. , Jayasree, P.V.Y. , Rao, B.P. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2019, 14(3), pp. 653-657.
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