Perumali Sundarayya

Perumali Sundarayya

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

GITAM School of Science



Ph. D.

I received my Ph.D. degree in 2008 from Andhra University. My Main research areas are C-algebras, Cryptography, and Some algebraic structures. Some research papers are published on C-algebra. C- algebra is a generalization of Boolean algebra which is used in Computer Science. A Boolean algebra is a two valued logic (Digital logic), Whereas C-algebra is a three valued conditional logic. Later I worked on Some algebraic structures Like distributive Q-lattices, *-Semilattice etc.

Research Publications

  • “Decompositions of a C-algebra” International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.2006,no.3,Article ID 78981, 1-8


  • Check Icon C-algebra, Lattice theory, Boolean algebra, cryptography and Number theory

Authored Books

  • Check Icon Partial orders on a C-algebra, Lambert acadamic publishing.
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