M Prasantha Reddy

M Prasantha Reddy


Department of Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering

GITAM School of Technology



Ph. D.

Prof. Prasantha has obtained his Ph.D. from Aalto University, Finland and postdoc experience from the University of Namur, Belgium and KAUST, Saudi Arabia. He is the recipient of the Finnish National Graduate School in Nanoscience (NGS-NANO) scholarship. His research interests are low-power VLSI, FPGA prototyping, device modeling, NEMS/MEMS, IoT, sensor fabrication and machine learning. He has over 16 years of teaching and research experience. He is an IEEE senior member.

Research Publications

  • Rekha Chaudhary, Prasantha R. Mudimela, Performance Analysis of NEMS Switch Using Graphene Derivative Based Composite Beam, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 2021, 20, 441-448.
  • Prasantha R. Mudimela, Rekha Chaudhary, Graphene Cantilever-Based Digital Logic Gates, Journal of Computational Electronics 2021, 20(1), 81-87.
  • Rekha Chaudhary, Prasantha R. Mudimela, 3D Modelling of Graphene Oxide Based Nanoelectromechanical Capacitive Switch, Microsystem Technologies 2020, 26, 2931-2937.
  • Ilya V. Anoshkin, Albert G. Nasibulin, Prasantha R. Mudimela, Maoshuai He, Vladimir Ermolov, Esko I. Kauppinen, Single-walled carbon nanotube networks for ethanol vapor sensing applications, Nano Research 2013, 6, 77-86.
  • Prasantha R. Mudimela, Mattia Scardamaglia, Oriol González-León, Nicolas Reckinger, Rony Snyders, Eduard Llobet, et al., Gas sensing with gold-decorated vertically aligned carbon nanotubes, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2014, 5(1), 910-918.


  • Check Icon Low power VLSI, IoT intergration and applications, Device simulation, 1D/2D nanomaterial syntheis and device/sensor fabrication and measurents

Authored Books

  • Check Icon Nanodevices for Integrated Circuit Design Publisher: Wiley Semiconductors 2023. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/book/10551547
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