Dr. Lima Biswas is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at GITAM Hyderabad. Before joining GITAM, she was a postdoctoral fellow at IISc Bangalore. She completed her PhD in 2021 from IIT Madras, where she worked under the supervision of Dr. Priyanka Shukla. Her research primarily focuses on mathematical modeling and the nonlinear theory of waves, with applications in both geophysical and industrial contexts.
Research Publications
Biswas, L. & Shukla, P., Resonant triad interactions in a stably stratified uniform shear flow, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, p. 023904, 2022.
Biswas, L. & Shukla, P., Stability analysis of a resonant triad in a stratified uniform shear flow, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 6, p. 014802, 2021.
Shukla, P., Biswas, L. & Gupta, V. K., Shear‑banding instability in arbitrarily inelastic granular shear flows, Phys. Rev. E, 100, p. 032903, 2019.
Resonant three‑wave interactions in a shear flow with density stratification. Biswas, L. & Shukla, P., Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 2 pp 263–274.
Expertise in theoretical and numerical analysis of Oceanic Internal Gravity Waves: instabilities and mixing.
Expertise in CFD techniques and Familiar with ANSYS (ICEM).