Killana Kalyan Babu

Killana Kalyan Babu

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering

GITAM School of Technology



Ph. D.

Dr Kalyan Babu received his UG ,PG ,PhD from Andhra University college of Engineering and Technology. He has strong teaching skills and good research profile. He taught almost 15 courses at UG,PG level of ECE .His research area is Biomedical Engineering.

Research Publications

  • I V Characterization amperometric biosensor in detection of cancer K.Kalyan Babu , KRama devi IEEE
  • Measurement Of sensitivity and O2 of blood by amperometric biosensor by Gox Enzyme in detection of Cancer K.Kalyan Babu, Prof DV.Rama KotiReddy IJFGCN 13 (3), 770-781
  • Characterization and simulation of amperometric biosensor in detection of cancer through DCCV technique and Applied Physics K.Kalyan Babu, Prof DV.Rama KotiReddy BBRC 13 (2), 19-25
  • Detection of Cancer by Biosensor Through Optical Lithography KK Babu New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-inspired Computing:
  • Cancer detection through Nano amperometric biosensor through Elastic KK Babu IJITEE 8 (16), 673-675

Ongoing Research Projects

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Authored Books

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