Helen Parimala E

Helen Parimala E

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

GITAM School of Science



Ph. D.

Dr. E. Helen Parimala is from Bangalore campus. She has a Ph.D from St. Joseph's College, Trichy Tamilnadu. Her research interests in Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Internet of Things. Participated in totally 50+ Technical sessions, workshops, conferences conducted by various professional bodies. Total number of articles: 10, Scopus Indexed :- 3.

Research Publications

  • 1.An Intelligence Security Architecture for Mitigating DDOS Attack in CloudIoT Environment Authors E Helen Parimala, K Sureka, S Suganya, Y Sunil Raj, L Lucase Publication date 2022/2/9 Book International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications Pages 47-61 Publisher Springer Nature Singapore Description In the field of information technology, IoT and Cloud play a crucial role. IoT aims to connect disparate objects so that smart services and applications can be accessed from anywhere. Even though IoT and Cloud have been developed independently, combining these two technologies results in a renaissance in the construction of smart environments and future networks. CloudIoT is the name of the latest evolution. The major concern with CloudIoT is security. Researchers from around the world work to incorporate innovative CloudIoT services to satisfy users needs. But so far, no well-known structure has been established. DDoS is one of the destructive attacks that can potentially impair CloudIoT data transfer. Therefore, a comprehensive resolution to this problem is required. To safeguard against DDoS attacks against a network of clients and a network of providers, a special security technique is suggested.
  • 2.Security Enhancing Techniques for Data in IoT Cloud Analysis Authors Lucas L Sunil Raj Y, Helen Parimala Publication date 2021/10 Journal International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management Volume 3 Issue 10 Pages 443-451
  • 3.A SMART CYBERGATE AUTHENTICATION FOR ERADICATING SKIMMER ATTACK IN ATM-CLOUD ENVIRONMENT Authors E. Helen Parimala M. Lakshmi Priya, Dr. S. Albert Rabara Publication date 2021 Journal Mukt Shabd Journal Volume 10 Issue 6 Pages 83-89
  • 4.DNA Based Hybrid Approach for Data Integrity on Integrated Cloud Based Smart Environment: An Analysis Authors E. Helen Parimala Sunil Raj Y , L. Lucase Publication date 2020/11 Journal International Journal of Scientific Development and Research Volume 5 Issue 10 Pages 194-205
  • 5.ENHANCED TPA BASED DATA INTEGRITY MECHANISM FOR OBJECT STORAGE ARCHITECTURE ON INTEGRATEDIOT CLOUDSMART ENVIRONMENT Authors Mrs. Helen Parimala E Mr. Sunil Raj Y, Dr. Albert Rabara S Publication date 2020/10 Journal Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University Volume 16 Issue 10 Pages 153-161

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Check Icon Student Projects 1. From Data to Action: Empowering African Youth in the Climate Crisis
  • Check Icon 2.Open Source Intelligence Tool
  • Check Icon 3.AI Based procto shield-online remote exam proctoring platform using Cloud Computing


  • Check Icon 1.Cloud Computing
  • Check Icon 2. Computer Networks
  • Check Icon 3.Internet of Things

Authored Books

  • Check Icon Handbook of Cloud Computing
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