Darla Siddardha

Darla Siddardha

Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology

GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences



Ph. D.

Darla Siddardhahas a PhD in Sociology from IIT Bombay, and MA and MPhil degrees in Anthropology from the University of Hyderabad. His research interests include Law and Social Movements, Land Dispossession Politics, Development and Governance. He was a Recipient of the Early Career Scholar Grant for the year 2023 from JUST SOCIETY at Southern Denmark University (SDU).

Research Publications

  • Darla, S. (2021). “Land Pooling Scheme in Andhra Pradesh: A Critical Appraisal.” Economic and Political Weekly, 56(47), 12–14. https://www.epw.in/journal/2021/47/commentary/land-pooling scheme-andhra-pradesh.html (Scopus Indexed)
  • Darla, S. (2024). "'Air of Legality' and Unjust Governance: Law Struggles in Andhra Pradesh, India." https://www.sdu.dk/en/forskning/forskningsenheder/samf/justsociety/blog/air …
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