D Harinath

D Harinath

Associate Professor

Department of Life Sciences

GITAM School of Science


Additional Roles

Heads of the Department


Ph. D.

Dr Harinath Doodhi received his PhD in Molecular Biology from TIFR, Mumbai. He worked as postdoctoral fellow at Utrecht University, The Netherlands and as Senior Research Associate at University of Dundee, United Kingdom. His broad research interests include microtubules and microtubule associated cell biological processes. His current research involves studying mitosis with focus on error correction mechanisms, which has wider implications in aneuploidy, genome instability and cancers.

Research Publications

  • Doodhi H*, Kasciukovic T, Clayton L, Tanaka TU*. (2021) Aurora B switches relative strength of kinetochore–microtubule attachment modes for error correction. Journal of Cell Biology, 220 (6), e202011117 *Corresponding authors
  • Doodhi H*, Prota AE*, Rodríguez-García R*, Xiao H, Custar DW, Bargsten K, Katrukha EA, Hilbert M, Hua S, Jiang K, Grigoriev I, Yang CP, Cox D, Horwitz SB, Kapitein LC, Akhmanova A, Steinmetz MO. (2016) Termination of Protofilament Elongation by Eribulin Induces Lattice Defects that Promote Microtubule Catastrophes. Current Biology, 26 (13):1713-21.
  • Doodhi H*, Katrukha EA*, Kapitein LC, Akhmanova A (2014) Mechanical and Geometrical Constraints Control Kinesin-Based Microtubule Guidance. Current Biology, 24 (3) 322-328
  • van der Vaart B*, van Riel WE*, Doodhi H*, Kevenaar JT*, Katrukha EA, Gumy L, Bouchet BP, Grigoriev I, Spangler SA, Yu KL, Wulf PS, Wu J, Lansbergen G, van Battum EY, Pasterkamp RJ, Mimori-Kiyosue Y, Demmers J, Olieric N, Maly IV, Hoogenraad CC, Akhmanova A. (2013) CFEOM1-Associated Kinesin KIF21A Is a Cortical Microtubule Growth Inhibitor. Developmental Cell, 27 (2) 145–160 * equal first author.
  • Doodhi H*, Ghosal D*, Krishnamurthy M*, Jana S, Sowdhamini R, Ray K. (2009) KAP, the Accessory Subunit of Kinesin-2 Binds the Predicted Coiled-Coil Stalk of the Motor Subunits. Biochemistry, 48, 2248-2260. (Featured in cover page)

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Check Icon “Elucidating molecular mechanisms of chromosome segregation by in vitro reconstitution of kinetochore-microtubule interactions” -- Role: Principal Investigator -- Funded by: SERB (ANRF) under Core Research Grant -- Total amount: 74.42 lakhs -- Duration: 3 years


  • Check Icon Mitosis: error correction mechanism during chromosome segregation
  • Check Icon Kinetochore proteins
  • Check Icon Cell biology of microtubules
  • Check Icon Cancer: microtubule drugs
  • Check Icon Cell biology of motor proteins
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