Chintoo Kumar

Chintoo Kumar

Assistant Professor

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

GITAM School of Technology



M. Tech.

Chintoo Kumar, currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, at GITAM Bengaluru. He has completed his M.Tech and PhD from NIT, Durgapur and IIT (BHU), respectively. His research interests are in area of AI, Gen AI, Social network Analysis and Recommender Systems, etc.

Research Publications

  • Automatically detecting groups using locality-sensitive hashing in group recommendations
  • A survey on group recommender systems
  • OPHAencoder: An unsupervised approach to identify groups in group recommendations
  • A study on the role of uninterested items in group recommendations
  • Recent trends in recommender systems: a survey


  • Check Icon Text Mining, Recommender Systems, Social Network Analysis, AI, Gen AI
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