Ajit Kumar

Ajit Kumar

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineering

GITAM School of Technology



Ph. D.

Dr. Ajit Kumar have joined the EECE department of GITAM Bengaluru as Assistant Professor on April 2022. His prior experience is at Presidency University Bengaluru as Assistant Professor. Dr. Ajit has completed B.Tech. in Electronics Engineering from IIT(ISM)Dhanbad. He did his M.Tech. in VLSI Design from National Institute of Technology Rourkela. He completed his PhD from Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the broad domain of Semiconductor devices in 2021.

Research Publications

  • A threshold voltage model of short-channel fully-depleted recessed-source/drain (Re-S/D) UTB SOI MOSFETs including substrate induced surface potential effects,” Solid-State Electronics, 95, 52–60, 2014, DOI number 10.1016/j.sse.2014.03.004
  • A Physics-Based Threshold Voltage Model for Junction-Less Double Gate FETs Having Vertical Structural and Doping Asymmetry, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 8, 3640-45, 2019, DOI number 10.1109/TED.2019.2922764
  • Novel modification in evanescent mode analysis to incorporate sub-1 nm equivalent oxide thickness in the subthreshold model of junctionless asymmetric double gate FETs, Semiconductor Science Technology, 36, 015007- 1-9, 2020, DOI number 10.1088/1361-6641/abc28d
  • Subthreshold model of asymmetric GAA junctionless FETs with scaled equivalent oxide thickness, Microelectronics Journal, 126, 105490- 1-7, 2022, DOI number 10.1016/j.mejo.2022.105490


  • Check Icon Semiconductor Devices and circuits, Physics of Semiconductor devices, VLSI Technology, VLSI Design
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