Agaja . P

Agaja . P

Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology

GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences



Ph. D.

Dr. Agaja P is a Sociologist specializing on gender and sexuality studies. She completed her PhD in Sociology from department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay. She did her MPhil and MA from Hyderabad central university. She is also a recipient of prestigious commonwealth Split-Site 2020-21 scholarship award at the Edinburgh University, UK.

Research Publications

  • Puthan Purayil, Agaja. 2024. “Migration and Making of Non-Heteronormative Households and Families: Lived Experiences of cisgender women partners of trans men in Bengaluru.” Community Development Journal 59(2): 332-347
  • Puthan Purayil, Agaja. 2022. “Families We Choose: Kinship Patterns among Migrant Trans Men in Bangalore, India” In Transgender India: Understanding Third Gender Identities and Experiences, edited by Douglas A. Vakoch,183-194. Cham: Springer Nature.
  • Puthan Purayil, Agaja. 2018. “Reaching Out to Sexually Marginalised Women: Sahayatrika in Kerala.” Explorations (E-Journal of the Indian Sociological Society) 2 (1):86- 106.


  • Check Icon gender and sexuality studies
  • Check Icon feminist theories
  • Check Icon family and kinship
  • Check Icon caste
  • Check Icon intersectionality
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