Aditi Mukherjee

Aditi Mukherjee

Assistant Professor

Department of History

GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences



Ph. D.

Aditi Mukherjee has completed her Ph.D. from the Leiden University, the Netherlands in 2021. Her PhD was supported by Erasmus Mundus scholarship. She has completed a post doctoral fellowship from the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden University, the Netherlands in 2022. She was a recipient of the Tata Trusts-1947 Partition Archive Research Grant, 2021. Her research interests include Displacement, Citizenship, Caste and Ecology.

Research Publications

  • Mukherjee, A. (2020). “Rethinking Protracted Displacements: Insights from a Namasudra Refugee Camp Site in Suburban Calcutta,” Contemporary South Asia 28, No. 1, 58-73 (Scopus Indexed)
  • Lorea, C.E., A. Mukherjee, D. Roy, (2023). “A Dalit Religion Online: Clashing Sensoryscapes and Remote Ethnographies behind the Screen,” Dialectical Anthropology, Special Issue: Limits of Online Visibility (Scopus Indexed)
  • Mukherjee, A. (2021). “Displacement, Rehabilitation and Vernacular Press Discourse: Perspective from Calcutta Based Newspapers,” in The 1947 Partition in the East: Trends and Trajectories, ed. Subhasri Ghosh (Routledge India: 2021), 153-171.
  • Mukherjee, A. (2025). “Dalit Migrant Reminiscences from Bengal,” in Narratives of Loss and Longing: Literary Developments in Postcolonial South Asia, eds. Nukhba Taj Langah and Roshni Sengupta (London and New York, Routledge: 2025), 125-142.

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Check Icon ‘Exploring Remote Ecologies: Gender, Conservation and Livelihood in Assam’, (September 2023-August 2024,) supported by GITAM Research Seed Grant.


  • Check Icon History of Migration and Citizenship, Environmental History, Caste, Modern Indian History
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