Samhita Bharadwaj

Assistant Professor, English and other languages, GSHS, VSP

Samhita Bharadwajhas an M.A. in Linguistics from Gauhati University and a Ph.D. in the same from North-Eastern Hill University. Her research interests include Areal Typology, Morphosyntax, Language Documentation, Semantics and Historical Linguistics. She was the recipient of theSonaram Das Sowarani Nyas Award (2000) and has been invited as a speaker, panellist and resource person for National and International Conferences, Workshops and Seminars organized by Universities and other Institutes across the country.

Research Publications
  • Bharadwaj, Samhita & Shukla, Priyanka (2018). “Linguistic Landscaping in North-East India: A Case Study of Tezpur Town in Assam,” Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 44
  • Bharadwaj, Samhita. (2018) “A Comparative Study of Measure terms in Assamese and Bodo,” IJELLH International Journal of Language, Literature in Humanities- 6(8), 3
Samhita Bharadwaj