Pathivada Padmavathi

Assistant Professor, English and other languages, GSHS, VSP

Pathivada Padmavathi has a B.Ed., an M.A., an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. in English as well as an M.A. in Philosophy from Andhra University. Her research interests include Regional Fiction, Eco Criticism, Global Diaspora and Meta Self-Consciousness.

Research Publications
  • Pathivada, Padmavathi, “Constructing A Home Away from Home: An Explicit Reference to the Unquenchable Thirst of Immigrants’ in Divakaruni’s Queen of Dreams,” The Contour: An International Peer reviewed online Journal of Studies in English, Vol 4, No.1
  • Pathivada, Padavathi, “Dissolving Boundaries of Societal Prejudice: A Centripetal Reference to Global Immigrants’ in Divakaruni’s One Amazing Thing,” Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English, Vol 2, No. 2
  • Pathivada, Padmavathi, “Utopian Sisters: A Feministic Approach with Reference to Chitra Divakaruni’s ‘Sister of My Heart’,” The Commonwealth Review: An International Refereed Literary Journal, Vol: 23, No. 1
Pathivada Padmavathi