Anomitra Biswas

Assistant Professor, English and other languages, GSHS, VSP | | | |

Anomitra Biswashas an M.A. in Linguistics, an M.A. in English and a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. Her research interests include Popular Culture, Medieval and Early Modern British Literature and Queer Fiction & Theory. She has worked as a Project Fellow, Jadavpur University and an Academic Fellow, Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantic & Other Human Sciences.

Research Publications
  • Biswas, Anomitra and Tonisha Guin, “Decolonising Digital Pedagogy: Agents of Ishq and Contemporary Discourses on Sex in India,” Bandung Journal of the Global South, Volume 9, Issue 1-2, February 2022. (SCOPUS Indexed)
  • Biswas, Anomitra. “Comfort-food Cannibalism at the Whistle Stop Café.” Women’s Imaginary Cooking and Appetites across Cultures: Studies in Literature, Media and Film. BRILL: 2024
Anomitra Biswas