Leading the Way in Marketing Education and Research

The Marketing Area at GITAM School of Business (GSB) is a vital area, playing a key role in offering the highest number of placements to our students. Established in 1988 alongside GSB, the Marketing Area has continually demonstrated excellence in education, research, and industry engagement.

Core Strengths

Our core strengths lie in our experienced faculty, strong alumni network, robust research foundation, and active consulting and industry interactions. These elements combine to provide our students with a comprehensive and dynamic educational experience.

Faculty and Alumni

Our faculty members are not only seasoned educators but also recognized experts in their fields. Their deep industry insights and academic rigor ensure that our students receive top-quality education. Our strong alumni network further enhances this experience, providing current students with valuable connections and opportunities.

Research Excellence

The Marketing Area is known for its strong research base, with faculty members publishing in top-rated journals such as the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management and the International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. Our teaching cases are featured in leading international case centers like IVEY, Emerald, Sage etc showcasing our commitment to high-quality, impactful research.

Industry Engagement

We maintain robust industry connections, offering consultancy services in marketing and related areas. Our faculty conducts industry-sponsored research and undertakes government-funded projects, such as UGC Major Research Projects, ensuring that our work is both relevant and impactful.

Training and Development

Our area is actively involved in offering training programs and Management Development Programs (MDPs) for corporate clients. These initiatives help bridge the gap between academia and industry, providing practical insights and solutions to real-world challenges.

  • Research Publications:
    Our research is regularly published in top-rated journals, contributing significantly to the field of marketing.
  • Case Study Publications:
    We have published numerous teaching cases with leading international case centers.
  • Industry-Sponsored Research:
    Our faculty engages in research projects funded by various industries.
  • Government-Funded Projects:
    We have successfully completed major research projects funded by government bodies like the UGC.


Adil Khan

Adil Khan


Assistant Professor