Gadagamma Bala Krishna

Associate Professor, Media studies, GSHS, HYD | |

I am Dr G Balakrishna, an Associate Professor in the Department of Media Studies at the Hyderabad campus. Before joining GITAM, I served in the media industry (both print and electronic) for more than two decades. With a blend of first-hand experience in the media industry and academic qualifications, I transitioned to pedagogy to foster industry and academic synergy in these changing times due to its increasing impact.

Research Publications
  • 'Children as Content Creators: Exploring Opportunities and Navigating Media in the Digital Age' (2024) in the special issue on 'Media and Children' (Journal of Content, Community and Communication). Scopus Indexed.
  • 'A Comparative Study on Music Genre Prefernces of Students and Music Broadcasted' in TuijinJishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology ISSN: 1001-4055 Vol. 44 No. 5 (2023) , Sopus Indexed
  • A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media Avertising and their Purchase Intentions, Journal of Survey in fisheries Sciences Volume 10 - Issue 2 (2023) ISSN: 2368-7487, Scopus Indexed
Authored Books
  • Television and Empowerment of Women
  • I am an expert in TV production, documentary, and ad film making, with over two decades of industry experience and a strong academic background, seamlessly integrating practical skills with theoretical knowledge.
Gadagamma Bala Krishna